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Karlskrona, Pike Kingdom

Camp Dragsö Sportfishing is specialized on pike fishing and is located in the pike kingdom of Karlskrona, Sweden.We offer a big variety of packages and fishing possibilities. We have a package for any budget.


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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Autumn season has started

A special summer has comed to its end and we are now finally entering fishing season once again. Activity in the blog has been low and this has simply to do with the fact that fishing activity/numbers of anglers visiting us in the summer has been low. 

Spring season was for sure a special one to. In a normal year, we are visited by anglers from 15-20 different countries. Quite impressive to see that so many nationalities normally visit us for fishing in a year! However, so far this year, as far as I can remember, we've only had fishing guests from Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Poland. Lots of reservations either cancelled or postponed. Fortunately, autumn looks a bit better with some weekends close to be fully booked but still there's plenty of openings for those who want (and can!) travel to us. 

When it comes to fishing, results has also been quite strange this year. Spring season was in my opinion great! Many of my day tours resulted in 30-60 pikes per day. The best day with a friend even resulted in 106 pikes caught! However, in the summer season fishing has been very slow for long periods. During one of the annual pike safaris that we arrange we even set a zero in catches with about 40 anglers/two hours fishing. In my nine years of duty at Dragsö, this has never happened before! Luckily, we start to see a big difference already since we've seen some quite impresseive reports last few weeks.

Last weekend Blekinge 24h Pike Challenge was arranged. I think many of us was a bit worried that results was going to be quite a disappointment but we was proven to be very wrong. In this competition, about 50 teams competed for 24hrs and their top ten longest pikes was counted. The winning team Gäddhäng/Bengtssons put up a record of 100,99,94,91,90,89,86,83,80,78. In the whole competition, the top five longest pikes was 118,116,116,108 & 106cm. Great result! 

I was actually out fishing myself with a friend on the day before this pike fishing competition started. Mainly to try our new guide boat! We went fishing in the morning for about 5 hours and caught twelve pikes with a fish just under the meter margin as our biggest fish. We also lost a fish in the same size and we were happy with the result since we had no wind and sun before the competition started. I was wearing only a t-shirt and underware since it was very warm parts of this day!

Our new guide boat arrived a couple of weeks ago. AluCraft 19 SP has replaced our Silverhawk and it feels good to be using a bigger boat for our tours from now on!

A few of the upcoming weeks looks pretty good from our perspective with reservations. Next week we will welcome eleven new groups to Camp Dragsö Sportfishing. Week after that? 14 more groups! 

Lots of time will be spent on water in the end of September and whole October. Looking forward to it!

Make sure to also follow us on Instagram where we post pictures of guest catches and also from our guides @dragsosportfishing

// Daniel Wickman