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Karlskrona, Pike Kingdom

Camp Dragsö Sportfishing is specialized on pike fishing and is located in the pike kingdom of Karlskrona, Sweden.We offer a big variety of packages and fishing possibilities. We have a package for any budget.


Visit our homepage for pricing, packages and other information

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Pikesafari #1 2014

Hi to you all fellow readers,

Yesterday we arranged our first pike safari of the year. Always popular and so nice to go out with mostly newbies and show them our waters and what the archipelago looks like.

Weather didn't look to good just a few hours before premiere of the year. Lightning for several hours and rain was literally pouring down. Unfortunately, this caused quite a few cancellations since guests thought weather was going to be to disturbing. But gosh, weather gods really smiled at us this evening since rain stopped an hour before we went out.

With only 4 boats and 14 anglers I decided to go out on my own with this group. First stop was between islands Haglö and Varö. In my boat I had two young guys with their grandpa. We begun really good and had lots of contacts directly. The big pikes didn't show up though but still a lot of fun!

After a little more than one hour I decided to move to a new area. Second place of the evening was a little bit closer to Dragsö. We tried between south tip of Ramsö and east Svinön.

With almost no wind anymore fishing got a bit harder but still we caught fish. Remarkable how weather changed in just a few hours because by this time, fishing was really comfortable with light clouds and sufficient temperature.

After a little more than one hour we drove back to Dragsö to sum up this very first pike safari of season 2014. In showed up that my boat caught most amounts with 14 pikes in a little more than 2 hours of fishing. Our longest pike measured not more than 58 centimeters so as you might understand, this was an evening with play in the kindergarden.

The other boats wasn't as successful as my boat this evening. One boat caught 3 while the other boats had 1 respective 0 in the boat. The guys who didn't catch to well this evening lost an estimated meter+ pike though by the boat.

Longest pike of this evening measured not more than 60 centimeters and total amount was 18 pikes.

Now we wish you all a very nice weekend and will be back with a new  pikesafari summary next week!

// Daniel Wickman

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Swedish midsummer celebration

Hello fellow readers.

As you might know spring fishing season is over for this year and we are now concentrating our business for regular camping guests who celebrates their vacations here in Karlskrona. Since we're in the middle of Swedish midsummer weekend we're having a lot of guests staying here at the moment. Many campers and caravans are here and all cabins are occupied as well.

Yesterday we arranged the traditional midsummer maypole dancing and many more activities for our guests. Fortunately, weather was pretty good even though we didn't reach to warm temperatures. A lot of guests both from our camping and habitants from the city of Karlskrona joined in the celebrations. Happy times!

On Thursday it's finally time to run the first pike safari of this years summer. Looking forward to this! As usual I will be posting a summary after each safari.  

Stay tuned for new updates!

// Daniel Wickman

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Kayak fishing

Hi to all,

After a well needed break last weeked from work duties I'm now back again to go on with our regular camping season at Camp Dragsö. About two weeks from now our very popular event pike safari begins and before that a few guided trips are booked in my schedule.

A couple of days ago we tried our brand new Jackson Cuda 14 kayaks out on the water. Both me and trainee Willy were very excited about trying them out so after work kayaks went in the water quickly. We decided to paddle out to what many of our guests call to be the 'Dangerous islands', Smörpundsholmarna. About 30 minutes later we began fishing and I caught the first kayak pike within 5 minutes. No biggie, but still very fun!

Continously, we tried on for about 3 hours and ended up with a 90cm pike on top and about 12 in total. A lot of fun for sure and what can be better than using a kayak around all the rocks in shallow parts in our archipelago? When kayak fishing you get exercise, a eco friendly way to fish, much more thrill to catch the pikes than doing it from the boat. And as mentioned, kayaking in those really shallow waters is such a relief without being afraid of hitting a propeller or so. If you have decent balance it's also possible to stand up and fishing in these as you can see on the picture.

These kayaks are now available for rental at the price of 385:-SEK/day.  

Will for sure be more posts coming up about the kayaks. Really looking forward to the next atempt with them!

// Daniel Wickman

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Spring season summary

It's with a bit of melancholy I'm hereby posting this years summary of spring fishing season 2014. This is my story of fishing in Karlskrona during last 2,5 months. Gosh where did the time go?!

As you might now we had a much warmer winter this year and ice was gone far before our opening. Last year ice was present until 12th of April and forced us to move plenty of reservations forward. When I started work in mid Mars this year we already had several plus degrees both in water and air. All boats went in during my first week of work and the first guests came to us on 21st of Mars.

As usual early fishing for pre spawn pikes can be a bit tricky. Most times the pikes gather up together in large groups in small areas. During this time, It's a lot about finding these spots and also about finding the pikes who actually are willing to bite. Due to this fact the results variates a lot and did so even this spring. Some boats caught more than 40 pikes per boat and day while others had a hard time to even reach a handul in a whole day of fishing. A few really big pikes was caught before spawning and local anglers also did well during this period. Several pikes above +10kg margin. Fat and nice ladys, just as we want them!

April came and as always this month together with May is our most busy ones for fishing holidays. Many returning guests and a great mix of new ones have been visiting us within these 10 weeks that we've been open so far this year. I use to say this to most guests that I talk to, but once again meeting you guys here at Dragsö is a highlight with my work as resposible for fishing business and guide. For every year that's passing by I get to know you guys better and this makes it even more fun. Especially this season since I've been having many returning guests on the guided trips as well!

Spawning this year was a long process and we still caught pikes who dropped eggs in boats in mid May, even though the temperatures was good enough in early April. One explanation can be that we received strong north winds for at least a week in the middle of spawning period and this doesn't really help them to get done. I believe many pikes was interrupted do to this which also delayed their spawning process.

Furthermore, this season we've had fishing guests from 11 countries including Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Netherlands, France, Belgium, Latvia, Russia, Lithuania and Czech Republic. Great variety and as I mentioned earlier, great mix of returning and new guests.

Biggest pike so far by our guests this season measured 114cm and was caught in the middle of May by returning Latvian guests. Except from that many nice meter pikes has been to joy for our guests as you might have seen on the posts during the season.

Still we will have about 10 more teams coming to fish before the end of spring season so hopefully a few more biggies will be coming up shortly!

Barely a week ago I also received a nice report from my friend Jesper who managed to catch a pike above the +10kg margin and approx 107cm. Nicely done!!

Of course I will continue on with posts but this was just a summary of the main spring season. Now we look forward to a summer with kayak fishing, nice weather and hopefully some meter+ pikes to be caught!

// Daniel Wickman