Hi guys,
Time for another update regarding fishing in Karlskrona archipelago. May is here and it's going to be a very busy month with approx 70 anglers at the same time on the busiest days on weekends.
During last couple of days fishing has started to be better and better according to the reports that I receive. More than 50 pikes in one boat/day during the best days. My friend Jesper continues to fish very good and he reported about 3 more +100cm pikes yesterday on his own with the top fish measuring 113cm. Impressive!!
Several guided tours has been made last few days with okey results. No really big pikes but good numbers. Most pikes are done spawning now and even the bigger ones seems to be ready for feeding again which is good for our anglers visiting us now.
Martin who works in the Swedish tackle shop EL-GE Sportfiske & Äventyr visited us for his first time with friends during this week. He and his company only practiced fly fishing and did quite good for being their first visit! He also shared a nice picture of his biggest pike of approx +90cm as you can see below. Thank you for this time!
Tomorrow Pascal and his friends will arrive from Holland for a week of fishing. Since these lads has been here for many years they know our waters well and always catch some nice pikes. I know for sure that local supermarket ICA will have to increase their stock of "Flintastek" for BBQ upcoming week to meet the Dutchies needs ;)
Except from anglers coming from Holland we will also host guests from Sweden, Romania, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Russia upcoming days.
From next week we will welcome a new member to Camp Dragsö Sportfishing staff. Trainee Jakob is just done with his studies at Sportfishing Academy in Forshaga, SWE, and will start his employment at our camp on Monday. Please don't hesitate to say hi to him and give him a warm welcome!
More reports to follow!
// Daniel Wickman
Time for another update regarding fishing in Karlskrona archipelago. May is here and it's going to be a very busy month with approx 70 anglers at the same time on the busiest days on weekends.
During last couple of days fishing has started to be better and better according to the reports that I receive. More than 50 pikes in one boat/day during the best days. My friend Jesper continues to fish very good and he reported about 3 more +100cm pikes yesterday on his own with the top fish measuring 113cm. Impressive!!
Several guided tours has been made last few days with okey results. No really big pikes but good numbers. Most pikes are done spawning now and even the bigger ones seems to be ready for feeding again which is good for our anglers visiting us now.
Martin who works in the Swedish tackle shop EL-GE Sportfiske & Äventyr visited us for his first time with friends during this week. He and his company only practiced fly fishing and did quite good for being their first visit! He also shared a nice picture of his biggest pike of approx +90cm as you can see below. Thank you for this time!
Tomorrow Pascal and his friends will arrive from Holland for a week of fishing. Since these lads has been here for many years they know our waters well and always catch some nice pikes. I know for sure that local supermarket ICA will have to increase their stock of "Flintastek" for BBQ upcoming week to meet the Dutchies needs ;)
Except from anglers coming from Holland we will also host guests from Sweden, Romania, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Russia upcoming days.
From next week we will welcome a new member to Camp Dragsö Sportfishing staff. Trainee Jakob is just done with his studies at Sportfishing Academy in Forshaga, SWE, and will start his employment at our camp on Monday. Please don't hesitate to say hi to him and give him a warm welcome!
More reports to follow!
// Daniel Wickman

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