We're in the middle of a busy fishing week by now with plenty of boats out. Weather conditions are variating from day to day. One day we're having sun with barely no clouds and the next day we get rain&lightning with great winds.
Even though the weather changes, fishing seems to be great. Still we miss the really big samples but a few nice fish is coming up. Yesterday at least one meter pike was caught by dutch returing guests and they also missed a huge fish after some fighting.
As posted last time, we do have returning guests from France here at the moment. They're really showing how to fish in our arcipelago. At their very first day they had 90 fish on 9 anglers. This morning (4 fishing days) they had reached incredible 487 pikes where 31 pikes measured above +80cm. On the picture you can see Mike with a nice pike caught yesterday. He told me that best results has been on small 5'' shads.
With 487 pikes caught after 4 days, they're definitely on their way to set new records here at Dragsö. As far as I know, old record from a similar group of anglers is around 830 pikes. These guys do have about 3 fishing days left, so it will be very exiting to see their final score.
Fishing is HOT! :-)
Even though the weather changes, fishing seems to be great. Still we miss the really big samples but a few nice fish is coming up. Yesterday at least one meter pike was caught by dutch returing guests and they also missed a huge fish after some fighting.
As posted last time, we do have returning guests from France here at the moment. They're really showing how to fish in our arcipelago. At their very first day they had 90 fish on 9 anglers. This morning (4 fishing days) they had reached incredible 487 pikes where 31 pikes measured above +80cm. On the picture you can see Mike with a nice pike caught yesterday. He told me that best results has been on small 5'' shads.
With 487 pikes caught after 4 days, they're definitely on their way to set new records here at Dragsö. As far as I know, old record from a similar group of anglers is around 830 pikes. These guys do have about 3 fishing days left, so it will be very exiting to see their final score.
Fishing is HOT! :-)

// Daniel Wickman
Cooolll postt !!!
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