Hi to all,
I'm sitting in my sofa and reparing a bunch of soft baits and tails that have been destroyed out there the last two days. A quick look in my bait bucket tells that these days I mostly use tails & bigger softbaits. Unfortunately, these kind of baits doesn't really last as long as jerkbaits when inhaled by the pikes. A lot of tails needs some love before they're ready to be fished again... But that is for sure a pleasant problem since fishing has been good!
Yesterday, I went out together with Jesper, a member of skilled Karlskrona fishing team 'Gäddstaun' (Could be explained as Pike City with a local touch of the famous Blekinge dialect). We decided to go for a afternoon trip, since he was working while I had a day off working duties. Weather conditions looked to be better in the morning, I decided to go for a few hours on my own before lunch. I tried mostly in shallow areas close to our surrounding bays nearby Dragsö.
Fishing was kind of slow. A 91cm saved my morning while 9 more small cucumbers was caught within an hour on small Relax shads of variating colours. When I picked up Jesper just after 15:00 the sun was terribly strong and we had no winds to talk about. Quite soon we realized that fishing was going to be hard. We did see pikes following our lures but just a few of them wanted to bite in the crystal clear waters.
With just a handful of pikes caught, we tried our luck at one last place before sun was about to go down. It didn't seem like this was a day to catch big pikes. But all of a sudden, in my very last cast I got a huge strike with less than 2 meters line left out to my lure. A big splash and my heart rate increased like a rabbit hunted by dogs! Jesper landed the pike safely with a net and we felt relieved when we measured the pike to be 102cm. Some quick photos and the pike could swim back to her right environment.. This is what I call a happy ending!
Back home in my flat, I discovered that weather conditions looked better for today. It wasn't to hard to decide going out fishing then as well. It showed up to be a good decision. Rain was pouring down all day, but with cloudy weather and moderate winds pikes were ready to dance. I landed 17 pikes today and at the very first stop of the day I had the fortune to catch another meter sized pike which fighted well! She was eager to swim back directly which felt really good!
Tomorrow a lot of new guests arrive to Dragsö and I think they're coming in the right time. Fishing is only going to be better and better from now on with decreasing water temperatures.
// Daniel Wickman

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