Checked my mailbox today and I have received pictures from our returning guests of Belgium. Their stay was very good with 250 caught pikes on 3 persons for a week of fishing. Biggest two pikes measured 105cm and 102cm and as you can see on the pictures, these are some great pikes!
At the moment we have a little more than 30 anglers at Dragsö but reports hasn't been to good today nor yesterday. Weather conditions is getting better though so hopefully our guests can finish strong since all of them leave us tomorrow. New guests to arrive in the beginning of next week and of course to next weekend when its become time for Blekinge Pike Festival.
We will be reporting like last year with photos and short updates from Team Dragsö Sportfishing and how we're doing. Since rules has been changed to this years festival, each angler shall report their longest pike from Saturday but also from Sunday. The angler who reaches the highest amount of centimeters on two registered pikes will be the winner this year. Still, price will also be given like last years to the angler who catches the individual longest pike.
I believe the winner this year will have to reach around 210cm, if conditions is okey. Of course we aim to be in the top standings but there are close to 580 anglers who wants the same and many skilled fishermen will be joining, so it will be a tough challenge for sure. Maybe most important, we are going to have a very fun time together and meet lots of like-minded people during the festival.
Have a continously nice weekend everyone,
// Daniel Wickman
At the moment we have a little more than 30 anglers at Dragsö but reports hasn't been to good today nor yesterday. Weather conditions is getting better though so hopefully our guests can finish strong since all of them leave us tomorrow. New guests to arrive in the beginning of next week and of course to next weekend when its become time for Blekinge Pike Festival.
We will be reporting like last year with photos and short updates from Team Dragsö Sportfishing and how we're doing. Since rules has been changed to this years festival, each angler shall report their longest pike from Saturday but also from Sunday. The angler who reaches the highest amount of centimeters on two registered pikes will be the winner this year. Still, price will also be given like last years to the angler who catches the individual longest pike.
I believe the winner this year will have to reach around 210cm, if conditions is okey. Of course we aim to be in the top standings but there are close to 580 anglers who wants the same and many skilled fishermen will be joining, so it will be a tough challenge for sure. Maybe most important, we are going to have a very fun time together and meet lots of like-minded people during the festival.
Have a continously nice weekend everyone,
// Daniel Wickman