Friday afternoon and most cabins and boats are booked at Camp Dragsö. Tomorrow the record holding group of amounts from last year in Krolik company leaves us after a 7 day visit. Last year they managed to catch 845 pikes during their stay and they will probably not be to far behind this year either. With one day of fishing left they were up to 669 pikes devided on 9 anglers!
Also received pictures today of the 10kg+ pike from last weekend caught by Swedish guests. Really nice pike for sure and one of the biggest this spring season.
At the moment we are hosting CA Worldfishing from Czech Republic who are here to check out our product for their clients. Went out fishing with them today and had okey results with a nice 93cm fish on top.
Will be back during the weekend for more reports and pictures from our pike frenzy period!
// Daniel Wickman

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