Hi all fishing enthusiasts,
Summer is here and as usual, there is not that many anglers visiting us during this time of the year. A pity, since we have warm weather, long days and sometimes active fish! Still, we have at least 1000 guests staying at Dragsö everyday now, but mainly to enjoy their holidays and see Karlskrona. However, fishing is sometimes good in the summer to and personally, I fish many days in the summer to!
Monday was spent together with colleague Willy and his father Håkan, both members of Team Karlskronafiske. Only a few days earlier the daytime temperature was 30 degrees and in the night 18-20 degrees. Monday however, was for sure not as warm. Only about 17-18 degrees and the water temperature dropped to 16-17 degrees. Very strong winds from west made it a bit challenging.
Fishing started slow with no fish caught after almost two hours. But the slow morning was soon forgotten since the following hours resulted in more fish and the average size was really promising. At least two pikes exceeding +100cm was seen following our lures but several fish well over +90cm was caught in the same area. We mainly fished three different kind of areas this day and caught about 27 pikes.
Yesterday, I was once again out in the archipelago together with my friend Calle. This day the wind squalls was up to 20m/s so it was really rough waves out there. For sure many spots was impossible to fish but the good thing with having lots of islands and structure in this water, is that many areas are still possible to fish regardless of wind strength and direction.
During the day we managed to catch 14 pikes and again with some nice sized pikes of really good condition. The biggest ones this day was 95,95,93. I had best results with Renz-Stein Beastlyshad 17 but we also caught fish with Beastlytail23, McTail with Bigtail, Pig shad jr and Relax 6'.
A few guided trips are also booked during the summer and last week I spent 4 hours with German guest Roland. He had never caught himself a pike but soon enough he was hooked up. A 106cm pike (8,5kgs) was his first ever pike and guess if he was happy! We ended up with one more fish of 108cm plus a few more small fish. It's hard to complain when weather was enjoyable with +25 degrees and low winds that day.
I hope fishing can continue to be good upcoming weeks!
// Daniel Wickman

Summer is here and as usual, there is not that many anglers visiting us during this time of the year. A pity, since we have warm weather, long days and sometimes active fish! Still, we have at least 1000 guests staying at Dragsö everyday now, but mainly to enjoy their holidays and see Karlskrona. However, fishing is sometimes good in the summer to and personally, I fish many days in the summer to!
Monday was spent together with colleague Willy and his father Håkan, both members of Team Karlskronafiske. Only a few days earlier the daytime temperature was 30 degrees and in the night 18-20 degrees. Monday however, was for sure not as warm. Only about 17-18 degrees and the water temperature dropped to 16-17 degrees. Very strong winds from west made it a bit challenging.
Fishing started slow with no fish caught after almost two hours. But the slow morning was soon forgotten since the following hours resulted in more fish and the average size was really promising. At least two pikes exceeding +100cm was seen following our lures but several fish well over +90cm was caught in the same area. We mainly fished three different kind of areas this day and caught about 27 pikes.
Yesterday, I was once again out in the archipelago together with my friend Calle. This day the wind squalls was up to 20m/s so it was really rough waves out there. For sure many spots was impossible to fish but the good thing with having lots of islands and structure in this water, is that many areas are still possible to fish regardless of wind strength and direction.
During the day we managed to catch 14 pikes and again with some nice sized pikes of really good condition. The biggest ones this day was 95,95,93. I had best results with Renz-Stein Beastlyshad 17 but we also caught fish with Beastlytail23, McTail with Bigtail, Pig shad jr and Relax 6'.
A few guided trips are also booked during the summer and last week I spent 4 hours with German guest Roland. He had never caught himself a pike but soon enough he was hooked up. A 106cm pike (8,5kgs) was his first ever pike and guess if he was happy! We ended up with one more fish of 108cm plus a few more small fish. It's hard to complain when weather was enjoyable with +25 degrees and low winds that day.
I hope fishing can continue to be good upcoming weeks!
// Daniel Wickman

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