With less than two weeks to Christmas, our last boat has now been pulled out of the water. We started to bring a few boats up already in the end of October, but since we have 19 boats in our fleet, it for sure takes some time to get all of them up and ready for winter storage.
Unfortunately, a couple of weeks ago we were visited by some less friendly people on the camp. Our last eight boats that wasn't already taken away for winter storage got the throttle controls stolen. For us, all these reparation costs and replacement was worth at least 4000 euros. Not a funny way to approch Christmas and the end of the year...
Well, enough with the sad news. Instead, a nice catch report from last weekend. I had one last day to spend on the water last weekend before I go on my vacation. Since winds was quite strong and we only had a Master410 left in the water, I decided to stay close to the city and look for a big fish rather than numbers. Together with me I brought Sarah, who follows me out one or two times every year, and this time it was her lucky day to be out.
As you might know, Sarah also works at the camp since many years back, and she's been eager to catch a big fish to. Several times she have caught fish over +90cm, which isn't bad, but a meter pike has been her target (of course!). This time she managed to break the three digit mark with a beautiful fish! With shaky arms she was ready to give the fish a hug and a quick photo session. Not a bad way to start and to end the fishing season!

With day temperatures around 5 degrees, there is still no ice in the archipelago. Only a few nights last week and one night this week has offered negative degrees so most probably there won't be any ice in December if nothing dramatic happens. Our cabins are open all year around so for those of you who have your own boat, you can still book your accommodation and go fishing in Karlskrona during the cold months to! As you might know, from now and until the end of March, the chance to catch a really big fish (heavy) is probably the best of the year.
Have a great Christmas & Happy New Year!
I hope to see you @ Camp Dragsö Sportfishing next year! Until then, let's enjoy some pictures from season 2019.
// Daniel Wickman