Hi fellow readers,
Finally fishing season is here and upcoming weekend we will be visited by 7 fishing groups from Sweden, Denmark and Belgium. A few of these groups will make their very first visits to us while others are returning guests.
A few days ago I went out on a guided trip with a Swedish couple for a 4 hour trip. We managed to catch 14 pikes and biggest fish was about a bit over 90cm. Good tour again!
The day before yesterday I had a day of work and decided to give it a try on my own. I went out for about 3 hours before a rain from hell started and made me soaking wet. Funny thing was that all pikes that I caught was in very shallow waters of 0,5m in bays. Mouse spinn fly with a little extra weight was successful and resulted in 7 pikes. A few big ones as well and one of them is to be seen on the picture below :)
Weather is still varm for being September. Yesterday air temperature was actually all the way up to 26-27 degrees and about 18-20 in the water. Probably temps will be going down shortly though since night temperatures expects to be below 10 degrees most days upcoming week.
Hopefully to be back with a nice catch report on Sunday when fishing guests leaves after a few days of fishing in Karlskrona!
// Daniel Wickman
Finally fishing season is here and upcoming weekend we will be visited by 7 fishing groups from Sweden, Denmark and Belgium. A few of these groups will make their very first visits to us while others are returning guests.
A few days ago I went out on a guided trip with a Swedish couple for a 4 hour trip. We managed to catch 14 pikes and biggest fish was about a bit over 90cm. Good tour again!
The day before yesterday I had a day of work and decided to give it a try on my own. I went out for about 3 hours before a rain from hell started and made me soaking wet. Funny thing was that all pikes that I caught was in very shallow waters of 0,5m in bays. Mouse spinn fly with a little extra weight was successful and resulted in 7 pikes. A few big ones as well and one of them is to be seen on the picture below :)
Weather is still varm for being September. Yesterday air temperature was actually all the way up to 26-27 degrees and about 18-20 in the water. Probably temps will be going down shortly though since night temperatures expects to be below 10 degrees most days upcoming week.
Hopefully to be back with a nice catch report on Sunday when fishing guests leaves after a few days of fishing in Karlskrona!
// Daniel Wickman

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