Hi guys!
So another weekend is here and about 20 anglers are visiting us at the moment. A few more groups to arrive during this weekend.
Earlier this week our many time returning guests in Luc's company managed to catch a monster! He eagerly told me that he caught a "Big fish" when he came back to the camp. I asked how big it was and immediately understood that yes, this was for sure a B I G fish!
He showed me pictures and his lady measured 116 centimeters! He also managed to catch a beauty of 103cm. These pikes was caught on small rubbers like cannibal shad and similar ones.
Other groups reports about variating results. A few boats reports about nice numbers while others struggle to catch more than maximum a handful per person and day. Fishing is fishing, as usual.
Regarding weather situation temperature has dropped quickly in both air and water lately. Most areas shows 14-15 degrees or lower in the water while air is around 17 degrees in daytime and 10-12 in night time. Water level is back to normal after a long period of low water level.
Many guided trips upcoming weeks and today I went out with a Swedish returning group. Fishing was for sure not at its best but still we managed to catch about 8-10 pikes in 4 hours with a pike of 99,5cm as biggest.
I have also been out for some private fishing with good results. A few pikes around the meter margin, even though a few of them less than a centimeter away from being on the right side of three digits... If autumn season continues like this I'm satisfied!
// Daniel Wickman

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