Last couple of days we've received great wind strength, mostly from west. Yesterday I was more wet than dry when I got back from a short fishing trip due to high waves pushing over the boat edge.
Today we had about 6-7m/s in the morning and increasing the longer to the afternoon we got. Went out 9am this morning with Albin from Ronneby Havscamp. We tried a few areas that I know is holding good sized fish. It started out hard but soon enough both me and Albin had contacts with meter sized pikes without successfully land any of them. After about 1 hour I decided to switch to a Big Bandit and it didn't take to long until I experienced a breathtaking strike.
I told Albin "This rod is awesome for jerkbait fishing (Daiwa Aird interline). Look how long I can cast with this one." and I used a bit extra force on my cast. Just a few moves into to process I get a huge strike just below the surface and instantly I realize that this is a big fish. Not more than a second later everything stops and the end of my line feels very light. While a minor tsunami is created on the water where the fish striked I scream out loud "HOLY SHIT!", but in a Swedish way (with lots of bad words).
This is the first time it happens to me. My 1.0mm fluorocarbon wire was directly snapped off by the teeth of a pig, or a pike... This fish will give me nightmares for days. Very hard to estimate the size, but I feel kind of sure that the fish weighed +10kg, which in centimeters would be around 110-115cm.
Fortunately, a small revenge was given to me since I landed a 101cm pike about an hour later. A meterfish is always nice, but today the lost pike still stays in my mind. That was a biggie.
Overall we didn't catch to many pikes today and we went back about 2pm due to work and also to hard winds. A nice fighting 87cm was also captured by me just before we went back.
// Daniel Wickman
Today we had about 6-7m/s in the morning and increasing the longer to the afternoon we got. Went out 9am this morning with Albin from Ronneby Havscamp. We tried a few areas that I know is holding good sized fish. It started out hard but soon enough both me and Albin had contacts with meter sized pikes without successfully land any of them. After about 1 hour I decided to switch to a Big Bandit and it didn't take to long until I experienced a breathtaking strike.
I told Albin "This rod is awesome for jerkbait fishing (Daiwa Aird interline). Look how long I can cast with this one." and I used a bit extra force on my cast. Just a few moves into to process I get a huge strike just below the surface and instantly I realize that this is a big fish. Not more than a second later everything stops and the end of my line feels very light. While a minor tsunami is created on the water where the fish striked I scream out loud "HOLY SHIT!", but in a Swedish way (with lots of bad words).
This is the first time it happens to me. My 1.0mm fluorocarbon wire was directly snapped off by the teeth of a pig, or a pike... This fish will give me nightmares for days. Very hard to estimate the size, but I feel kind of sure that the fish weighed +10kg, which in centimeters would be around 110-115cm.
Fortunately, a small revenge was given to me since I landed a 101cm pike about an hour later. A meterfish is always nice, but today the lost pike still stays in my mind. That was a biggie.
Overall we didn't catch to many pikes today and we went back about 2pm due to work and also to hard winds. A nice fighting 87cm was also captured by me just before we went back.
// Daniel Wickman

Får både gratulera och beklaga! Känner igen känslan och den är grymt tråkig! Sitter i länge,men det är revanschen som driver än framåt! Du har ju flytet inne nu så va glad för d! ;-) Drar ut imorgon för lite grisjakt och hoppas på stort.
Grattis än en gång.
Mvh Kalle Team Jolly Roger
Ps.Flourcarbon är tabu...enkeltrådig titanvajer i the shit!
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