Hi fellow readers!
Wow.. I think we have a different clock at Camp Dragsö Sportfishing. We're in June now but it feels like it's still middle of May. Days are running by so fast! Actually, the official opening dates for spring fishing season is already ended but still we had about 50 anglers on our camp this weekend. In addition, we had almost the whole campsite fully booked for campers and caravans last few days.
Last week results were some days very good, with up to 50 pikes/boat and day. As always, there are big varieties between our rental boats. Some catch 0-5 pikes per day, some catch 20 per day.. This was also the case during this weekend. The best boats had about 20-30 pikes per day while there were at the same time boats with 1-5 pikes per boat and day.
Some big fish was caught during the last week or so as well. 108, 107, 107 was the top pikes caught by our guests and a couple of them not far from the magical 10kgs mark.
During most of June there will be less fishing guests and more "regular" camping visitors. Still, for those who want, there is several weekends available in June as well. It feels like the typical "May fishing" is a bit delayed this year and maybe we can experience that great fishing in June instead!
Hopefully, I will have some days on the water upcoming week. Most of my days off work last few weeks has been full of other plans (Yes, obviously I can do something else than fishing!). To be back with more reports soon..
// Daniel Wickman

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