So it's definitely time for a new update. Time is really flying away and we're now in high season of autumn pike fishing. At the moment we are having five groups here who has been fishing since last Saturday. Those groups still have a few days left before it's time to go back home. According to what I've heard, most of these guys have pretty good numbers but still missing that big fish that most dream of.
Today will be a busy day since nine new groups will come to us for a fishing holiday. There is also a orienteering competition this weekend so all cabins are booked for either that or fishing guests.
Last weekend we said good bye for this time to several returning guests. One group of them were Poulik and they sent me some nice pictures from their stay. They managed to catch a really nice fish of 105,5cm and also a few other quite big fish. It's very clear that guests who have visited us before uses their knowledge from previous visits and succeed better that first timers (generally).
Temperatures is finally a bit more like they should be in September. About 17 degrees in daytime and 8-11 degrees in nighttime. More and more fish are moving into shallow waters and most big pikes that are reported these days are actually caught in bays of 0,5-1,5m. It will for sure be interesting to see what upcoming weekend will bring. Forecast looks pretty good with mostly west winds of 4-6m/s in average.
Co-worker Willy went out fishing a few days ago and at their blog www.karlskronafiske.com they reported about 34 pikes caught, with top fish measuring 89cm. I actually spent my days off work this week going to Poland so no fishing for me. My batteries are loaded and can't wait to go back out there!
In the middle picture down below you can see the monster caught last week by our guest Daniel. So far the biggest fish of the autumn season by our guests as the fish measured 115cm.
To be back later this weekend with new catch reports!
// Daniel Wickman
So it's definitely time for a new update. Time is really flying away and we're now in high season of autumn pike fishing. At the moment we are having five groups here who has been fishing since last Saturday. Those groups still have a few days left before it's time to go back home. According to what I've heard, most of these guys have pretty good numbers but still missing that big fish that most dream of.
Today will be a busy day since nine new groups will come to us for a fishing holiday. There is also a orienteering competition this weekend so all cabins are booked for either that or fishing guests.
Last weekend we said good bye for this time to several returning guests. One group of them were Poulik and they sent me some nice pictures from their stay. They managed to catch a really nice fish of 105,5cm and also a few other quite big fish. It's very clear that guests who have visited us before uses their knowledge from previous visits and succeed better that first timers (generally).
Temperatures is finally a bit more like they should be in September. About 17 degrees in daytime and 8-11 degrees in nighttime. More and more fish are moving into shallow waters and most big pikes that are reported these days are actually caught in bays of 0,5-1,5m. It will for sure be interesting to see what upcoming weekend will bring. Forecast looks pretty good with mostly west winds of 4-6m/s in average.
Co-worker Willy went out fishing a few days ago and at their blog www.karlskronafiske.com they reported about 34 pikes caught, with top fish measuring 89cm. I actually spent my days off work this week going to Poland so no fishing for me. My batteries are loaded and can't wait to go back out there!
In the middle picture down below you can see the monster caught last week by our guest Daniel. So far the biggest fish of the autumn season by our guests as the fish measured 115cm.
To be back later this weekend with new catch reports!
// Daniel Wickman

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