June is soon to its end and not much activity when it comes to fishing business. Last weekend we celebrated Swedish midsummer and for once we enjoyed very nice weather. Warm and sunny with barely no clouds in the sky. As always our camp was full both when it comes to cabins and camping pitches. Me myself have spend only a few days on the water lately. Not really any big ones, but some days with OK numbers. During the last two trips I've caught about 15 pikes in total with one fish over +90cm.
Water temperature went up fast in June. We are now having about 20 degrees in most areas, even in the outer archipelago, which is about 3-4 degrees warmer than the same period last year. You can also see this when it comes to sea grass growth. Some areas is already getting difficult to fish at if you don't fish weedless hook setup.
The day before yesterday I went out together with summer co-worker Nick who more or less never had been fishing before. After a few hours in low wind and sparkling sun, we managed to catch eight pikes. Nick caught his first three pikes in his life and you can tell of the picture below that he was happy about it!
At the moment we are having all the boats cleaned from barnacles which takes some time. Tomorrow we will arrange this summers first pike safari and as it looks now it's going to be good conditions. Normally, most posts here in the blog is written in English but this summer we will write the pike safari summarys in Swedish. Mainly because most guests that joins during these trips are Swedes. But as always the other posts, like this one, will continuously be in English.
I hope you all have a nice summer so far and to be back soon again with new reports!
// Daniel Wickman
Water temperature went up fast in June. We are now having about 20 degrees in most areas, even in the outer archipelago, which is about 3-4 degrees warmer than the same period last year. You can also see this when it comes to sea grass growth. Some areas is already getting difficult to fish at if you don't fish weedless hook setup.
The day before yesterday I went out together with summer co-worker Nick who more or less never had been fishing before. After a few hours in low wind and sparkling sun, we managed to catch eight pikes. Nick caught his first three pikes in his life and you can tell of the picture below that he was happy about it!
At the moment we are having all the boats cleaned from barnacles which takes some time. Tomorrow we will arrange this summers first pike safari and as it looks now it's going to be good conditions. Normally, most posts here in the blog is written in English but this summer we will write the pike safari summarys in Swedish. Mainly because most guests that joins during these trips are Swedes. But as always the other posts, like this one, will continuously be in English.
I hope you all have a nice summer so far and to be back soon again with new reports!
// Daniel Wickman

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