Pre summer has finally reached Karlskrona and sun is shining like never before. Last few days has been the same with about 20-24 degrees, sun and low winds. Barely no clouds and everyone is walking around in shorts, t-shirt, sunglasses and happy faces. It's a nice feeling for sure! Fortunately, pikes seems to think the same since amounts and sizes has been much better this week than earlier.
Current weather situation
Air temperature: 20 degrees
Water temperature: 13-14 degrees (in average)
Water level: - 15cm
Sunny, 3m/s S-E winds
Today we had ten groups leaving us after a week of fishing. Most of them left with happy memories. Many pikes over +90cm has been reported during this week and at least six pikes over +100cm as well by our guests. Amounts has been ranging between 5-35 pikes per day and boat. Actually, today we had one group that caught 17 pikes just in the morning before leaving us. Impressive! Another returning group in company of Krolik from France landed approx 350 pikes over six days and nine anglers.
Water temperature is now increasing fast and several bays now offers up to 15 degrees. Further out in the archipelago the water temp is still low, about 9-10 degrees but still increasing.
Today we will have four new groups arriving for a week of fishing. Forecast looks very promising next week with 17-22 degrees, partly cloudy, west/south west winds of 5-7m/s. Water level is maybe not the best possible since it variates from -15 to -35cm upcoming days. We'll see what happens!
// Daniel Wickman

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