Another weekend is coming up and 5 groups will arrive today for some days of spring fishing. Last weekend was very busy in comparison since we had about 50 anglers on camp Dragsö.
I receive many messages these days regarding spawning and yes, spawning has started. Water temp is between 7.5-10 degrees in most areas and in some very shallow bays you can see that the pikes enjoy their sexy time at the moment. With this said, I also want to say that it will still be possible to catch some spring pigs for at least a couple of more weeks. Spawning is not a process that is over in a week, since not all pikes are spawning at the same time.
Overall catch reports wasn't very good last weekend for our guests but results variated a lot. Some boats caught less than a handful pikes per day while some boats managed to reach 40-50 pikes in one day. Best boat reached 4 pikes over +100cm during their stay which is good!
I had a few days off work in the beginning of this week and went out for some fishing (of course!). Monday I only spent a few hours in the afternoon on the water since heavy fog covered Karlskrona until the afternoon. I caught 9 pikes in shallow water, most of them on a Renz-Stein Beastly tail 23 in motoroil colour. Top fish meaured 91cm so not to bad but not to good either.
Thuesday was spent with Philip from Stinger Productions. Heavy fog and no winds during the first hours made our fishing hard. I decided to stay quite close to the city and also try some spots where I personally never really tried before, except from yesterday. This was for sure about to be a good decision!
We fished in a shallow bay of 0.6-1.2m of depth with a lot of bream nearby in variating sizes. Water was very murky and almost no wind for most of the day. Philip caught a nice fish of 93cm quite fast and this fish was important in many ways. It was the first one of the day, and since it was a good fish we decided to stay in the same area. Soon enough I told Philip "Last year I caught some very nice pikes on McRubber red/tiger, but I must say that I have not tried it very much for some reason. Maybe it's worth a try...". Two casts later I was hooked up with something heavy. At first I felt sure about that my hooks was penetrated into the side of a big bream. But soon enough Philip asked "Are you sure it's not a pike?" and then I saw the fin of a massive pike! Philip grabbed the net and secured a very nice fish. This fat lady showed up to be 107cm and my poor McRubber was totally inhaled.
Our day continued on with not to many strikes but most fish was of good size! I was very lucky this day and caught 3 pikes over +100cm and also had one fish of 95-100cm that I dropped into the water after I unhooked her. Great day with big pikes in very shallow waters. We also thought sometimes that we were hooked up with even bigger fish since some very big breams was accidently faul hooked, some as big as toilet seats! We ended up with 503cm on our top 5 longest pikes and about 12 fish in total plus 6-7 big breams ;)
Let's see what this weekend will result in!
// Daniel Wickman
I receive many messages these days regarding spawning and yes, spawning has started. Water temp is between 7.5-10 degrees in most areas and in some very shallow bays you can see that the pikes enjoy their sexy time at the moment. With this said, I also want to say that it will still be possible to catch some spring pigs for at least a couple of more weeks. Spawning is not a process that is over in a week, since not all pikes are spawning at the same time.
Overall catch reports wasn't very good last weekend for our guests but results variated a lot. Some boats caught less than a handful pikes per day while some boats managed to reach 40-50 pikes in one day. Best boat reached 4 pikes over +100cm during their stay which is good!
I had a few days off work in the beginning of this week and went out for some fishing (of course!). Monday I only spent a few hours in the afternoon on the water since heavy fog covered Karlskrona until the afternoon. I caught 9 pikes in shallow water, most of them on a Renz-Stein Beastly tail 23 in motoroil colour. Top fish meaured 91cm so not to bad but not to good either.
Thuesday was spent with Philip from Stinger Productions. Heavy fog and no winds during the first hours made our fishing hard. I decided to stay quite close to the city and also try some spots where I personally never really tried before, except from yesterday. This was for sure about to be a good decision!
We fished in a shallow bay of 0.6-1.2m of depth with a lot of bream nearby in variating sizes. Water was very murky and almost no wind for most of the day. Philip caught a nice fish of 93cm quite fast and this fish was important in many ways. It was the first one of the day, and since it was a good fish we decided to stay in the same area. Soon enough I told Philip "Last year I caught some very nice pikes on McRubber red/tiger, but I must say that I have not tried it very much for some reason. Maybe it's worth a try...". Two casts later I was hooked up with something heavy. At first I felt sure about that my hooks was penetrated into the side of a big bream. But soon enough Philip asked "Are you sure it's not a pike?" and then I saw the fin of a massive pike! Philip grabbed the net and secured a very nice fish. This fat lady showed up to be 107cm and my poor McRubber was totally inhaled.
Our day continued on with not to many strikes but most fish was of good size! I was very lucky this day and caught 3 pikes over +100cm and also had one fish of 95-100cm that I dropped into the water after I unhooked her. Great day with big pikes in very shallow waters. We also thought sometimes that we were hooked up with even bigger fish since some very big breams was accidently faul hooked, some as big as toilet seats! We ended up with 503cm on our top 5 longest pikes and about 12 fish in total plus 6-7 big breams ;)
Let's see what this weekend will result in!
// Daniel Wickman