Reports keep coming and this time from Jesper in Fishing team 'Gäddstaun'. He went out for some evening fishing yesterday on his own and had some fantastic fish! This story was posted on their Facebook page late last night (translated into English).
"I'm sitting in front of my computer and still shaking of adrenalin. At first I thought I've had my best evening fishing for this spring but obviously I was wrong. Went out around 5pm without any sort of expectations. First hour of fishing resulted in one pike. Next place didn't deliver at all. Phoned my girlfriend and told her that I will be home around 6:30pm. Right after we hang up, an incredible evening started that I'm not going to forget for a while. BAM! 4kg fish, right after that a 6kg fish.
Okey, with this last fish I'll try a little more before going back. BAM! 8kg fish! What's happening?! It started to darken so I decided to pack my stuff. But, my eyes was keep looking at an edge that I just had to try before going back. 20 first minutes resulted in nothing but right after, something sick happened! BAM! I was fighting a good fish for 2-3 minutes and I kept looking if someone could come to help me. I didn't manage to get the fish up to surface. All of a sudden, everything stops and I realise I've lost the fish. You guys who have lost a big fish know the feeling when losing a great fish.
I had a look on my softbait and there wasn't even a tiny scratch, and stinger hook was still placed in the softbait. After a minor brakedown I'm starting over and in the sixth cast it all stops again! I'm starting to shake while I'm fighting the fish for 5-6 minutes. The fish continues to go rather close to boat engine and I pray to God everytime the fish fights under the boat that my line will hold. I grab my net and finally lands the beuty. YEEES! Instantly, I see that this is a real "Pig" (as we call the big ones). After some help with pictures from my mom who went down to help me, this beuty was swimming back. 112 cm and 10.1 kilos. This was a magic night!!"
The fish was caught on a 3D Herring Shad in Black/Herring colour. Nicely done!!
"I'm sitting in front of my computer and still shaking of adrenalin. At first I thought I've had my best evening fishing for this spring but obviously I was wrong. Went out around 5pm without any sort of expectations. First hour of fishing resulted in one pike. Next place didn't deliver at all. Phoned my girlfriend and told her that I will be home around 6:30pm. Right after we hang up, an incredible evening started that I'm not going to forget for a while. BAM! 4kg fish, right after that a 6kg fish.
Okey, with this last fish I'll try a little more before going back. BAM! 8kg fish! What's happening?! It started to darken so I decided to pack my stuff. But, my eyes was keep looking at an edge that I just had to try before going back. 20 first minutes resulted in nothing but right after, something sick happened! BAM! I was fighting a good fish for 2-3 minutes and I kept looking if someone could come to help me. I didn't manage to get the fish up to surface. All of a sudden, everything stops and I realise I've lost the fish. You guys who have lost a big fish know the feeling when losing a great fish.
I had a look on my softbait and there wasn't even a tiny scratch, and stinger hook was still placed in the softbait. After a minor brakedown I'm starting over and in the sixth cast it all stops again! I'm starting to shake while I'm fighting the fish for 5-6 minutes. The fish continues to go rather close to boat engine and I pray to God everytime the fish fights under the boat that my line will hold. I grab my net and finally lands the beuty. YEEES! Instantly, I see that this is a real "Pig" (as we call the big ones). After some help with pictures from my mom who went down to help me, this beuty was swimming back. 112 cm and 10.1 kilos. This was a magic night!!"
The fish was caught on a 3D Herring Shad in Black/Herring colour. Nicely done!!

// Daniel Wickman