Time is flying by and we're already in the middle of November. As always on Sundays during fishing season, we had anglers leaving us today after a weekend of fishing. Last few days we were visited by about 15 anglers that all tried their luck in the archipelago. Tough conditions with wind squalls up to 22m/s yesterday and today almost no wind at all and in addition to that, sparkling sun all day.
A half day guided trip was on my schedule a few days ago with two Swedish guests. We tried a few areas close to Dragsö with rather poor results. During the last hour we found a spot where fish was active and we landed about seven or eight fish of small size, and lost at least the same amount.
Overall our guests caught between 2-20 pikes/day last few days with top fish of 97cm. However, our colleague Willy managed to snatch a very big pike yesterday during the annual Karlskrona Pike Tournament where 50 teams fighted for the win. In total his team Karlskronafiske ended up with a total of 474cm as their top five longest pikes which gave them the first place! Willy also caught the biggest fish of the competition. His catch measured impressive 111cm and weighed in at 11,3kgs. Huge congratulations! Check their blog by following the link for more photos/reports.
Also, I had a few days of work a week ago when I was visited by some friends. We caught 25 pikes during our first day, and caught 60 pikes during Saturday last week when we fished from two boats together with Philip from Bläcksquid Ink. No big ones but still a lot of fun!
On Tuesday both me and Willyboi will be travelling to Rügen in Germany for almost five days of fishing. Let's see if we can catch a monster! :-)
Our camp is still open a few more weeks so there is still a chance to enjoy late autumn fishing in Karlskrona area. Also, remember that our cabin village is open all year so if you bring your own boat it's still possible to come in December-March when our rental boats is on land.
A half day guided trip was on my schedule a few days ago with two Swedish guests. We tried a few areas close to Dragsö with rather poor results. During the last hour we found a spot where fish was active and we landed about seven or eight fish of small size, and lost at least the same amount.
Overall our guests caught between 2-20 pikes/day last few days with top fish of 97cm. However, our colleague Willy managed to snatch a very big pike yesterday during the annual Karlskrona Pike Tournament where 50 teams fighted for the win. In total his team Karlskronafiske ended up with a total of 474cm as their top five longest pikes which gave them the first place! Willy also caught the biggest fish of the competition. His catch measured impressive 111cm and weighed in at 11,3kgs. Huge congratulations! Check their blog by following the link for more photos/reports.
Also, I had a few days of work a week ago when I was visited by some friends. We caught 25 pikes during our first day, and caught 60 pikes during Saturday last week when we fished from two boats together with Philip from Bläcksquid Ink. No big ones but still a lot of fun!
On Tuesday both me and Willyboi will be travelling to Rügen in Germany for almost five days of fishing. Let's see if we can catch a monster! :-)
Our camp is still open a few more weeks so there is still a chance to enjoy late autumn fishing in Karlskrona area. Also, remember that our cabin village is open all year so if you bring your own boat it's still possible to come in December-March when our rental boats is on land.
Thank you for reading.
// Daniel Wickman