Autumn season is here for real now. Finally! Day temperatures is between 16-20 degrees and water temperature shows about 16-17 degrees. It seems like pikes has been waiting for this period as much as we have been looking forward to it. It's still early judge anything, but numbers so far this autumn season is better than what we've seen in a long time. Most of our guests tell the same story. Really good amount of fish with many reaching over +80 and +90cm. As always more difficult to reach the magic +100cm mark but the last couple of days has been crazy. Many fish of more than +100cm with the longest fish measuring impressive 119cm!
As always this is a very popular time to fish in Karlskrona. Currently, we have about 20 anglers on Dragsö, with five more groups coming tomorrow. Later this month we're more or less fully booked several weekends and October will for sure be busy and fun!
Personally, I've spent very few days on the water this summer. Mainly due to the warm temperatures. However, lately I've been out several times. Last week I brought my girlfriend Sarah out on the water and we experienced good fishing with 33 pikes caught. She even managed to break her own personal record and caught the two biggest pikes that day. I guess next time she will aim to reach over the 100cm mark :) Just days earlier I was out with my colleague Willy for a day trip and we also had great fishing when it comes to the numbers. We lost the count but probably around 40 pikes caught. Good times!
A few days ago I went out with my friend Calle. Once again good fishing with 30 pikes caught and several fish of nice size. Biggest ones that day measured 95,95 & 107cm.
Yesterday we were out on the water with the famous Swedish fishing-tv producer, Johan Broman. A new season of 'Fiskedestination" is in the making and one of the new episodes will be sent in March 2019 with fishing in Karlskrona. We're excited to be a part of it and really look forward to see the result of a long day of filming. I'm sure it's going to be great!
Still we have some openings this autumn both for fishing packages and some guided days are available to. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to experience our fantastic waters, it's a very good time to come now!
// Daniel Wickman

As always this is a very popular time to fish in Karlskrona. Currently, we have about 20 anglers on Dragsö, with five more groups coming tomorrow. Later this month we're more or less fully booked several weekends and October will for sure be busy and fun!
Personally, I've spent very few days on the water this summer. Mainly due to the warm temperatures. However, lately I've been out several times. Last week I brought my girlfriend Sarah out on the water and we experienced good fishing with 33 pikes caught. She even managed to break her own personal record and caught the two biggest pikes that day. I guess next time she will aim to reach over the 100cm mark :) Just days earlier I was out with my colleague Willy for a day trip and we also had great fishing when it comes to the numbers. We lost the count but probably around 40 pikes caught. Good times!
A few days ago I went out with my friend Calle. Once again good fishing with 30 pikes caught and several fish of nice size. Biggest ones that day measured 95,95 & 107cm.
Yesterday we were out on the water with the famous Swedish fishing-tv producer, Johan Broman. A new season of 'Fiskedestination" is in the making and one of the new episodes will be sent in March 2019 with fishing in Karlskrona. We're excited to be a part of it and really look forward to see the result of a long day of filming. I'm sure it's going to be great!
Still we have some openings this autumn both for fishing packages and some guided days are available to. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to experience our fantastic waters, it's a very good time to come now!
// Daniel Wickman