Hi guys!
Ice went away several weeks ago and local anglers are already up to several big pikes during the first weeks. Numerous pikes between 10-12 kilos (105-115cm). It seems like this spring will be a good one!
Many weekends from the middle of April starts to fill up and actually we're fully booked several of the most popular weekends in May. Fishing interest is increasing and I'm looking forward to see you all at our camp during this season. It goes without saying that if you're intrested in coming this spring it's literally about time to make your reservations asap.
If you have missed it, late last year we released our Camp Dragsö Sportfishing video made by Stinger Productions. Check it out to see a presentation of our camp: Camp Dragsö Sportfishing presentation
In a few weeks from now we will be participating in two Sport fishing fairs in Sweden. The first one is located in Karlskrona and is arranged by us together with PikeStrike Sweden, Karlskrona Båt&Fiske and Sandhamn Marine on March 12th. Many lure builders, anglers and exciting lecturers will be coming so a fun day is approaching!
The next fair we're participating in will be the Swedish sportfishing fair in Stockholm 18-20th of March. Me, Jacob and Andreas will go so if you're around come and visit us! We will also arrange a competition in our booth so come and try your skills to win nice prices.
Lately, I've received many requests for early boat reservations. Since ice is gone I will launch a few boats later this week already so from Monday 29th of February we will have a few boats ready for rental. We're busy with fairs and other duties upcoming weekends so we will have limited or no rental possibilities during weekends (Saturday-Sunday) but during weekdays (Monday - Friday) will be no problems. From 24th of March we're open every weekend again as usual.
Of course I have to share a little fishing report as well. About 1 week ago I went out for my first pike fishing session in Karlskrona this year. Went out a half day and managed to catch 14 pikes in the boat with my girlfriend with two pikes just under the meter on top. My girlfriend also had a monster (approx <110cm) at one place following all the way in to the boat without attacking the Mcrubber. Nice time on the water! All pikes was caught on McRubber and BigMcrubber in motoroil colour.
From now our activity will be increasing with more reports on our blog, Facebook and Instagram. Subscribe for latest reports!
// Daniel Wickman